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The Data Agency

2018 Postage Rate Calculators Now Available

New postage rates have gone into effect, let NFocus help you navigate the changes.

The Postal Service has raised postage rates for 2018.  The new rates are for both Market Dominant (First-Class, Marketing Mail, and Periodicals) and Competitive products (Priority Mail, international mail, and shipping).  Rates in the Competitive category have increased an average of 3.9% while the Market Dominant products saw an average increase of about 2%.

A few examples of the new rates are listed below.

Category – Marketing Mail Commercial Current Price New Price Change
Flats Saturation SCF $0.164 $0.165 0.61%
Flats Saturation NDC $0.178 $0.179 0.56%
Letters Saturation SCF $0.155 $0.158 1.94%
Letters Saturation NDC $0.162 $0.164 1.23%

NFocus provides postage calculators to help mailers get a better estimate on how the new rate structure will affect their mailings.  Download the updated calculators below.

2018 USPS Marketing Mail Calculator

2018 USPS Periodicals Rate Calculator

Still have questions? Contact your Account Manager or request more information here.  The NFocus team is your postage resource.  We can provide assistance with helping you understand how the new rates will affect your mailing program, or review postage optimization options to help you better manage your postage costs.